Types of Nouns

A noun is used to identify a person, thing, place or idea.

By Sheetal Desarda

These are the types of nouns.

   1. Common Nouns: As the name suggests; these describe common things. E.g. Doctor, teacher, country, etc.

E.g. 1.Shamita is a very good teacher.

         2. India is my country.

2.Proper Nouns: These are used to name a particular person or a thing. They always start with a capital letter. E.g. Shamita, New York, Titanic, etc.     

E.g. 1.’Titanic’ is an Oscar award grosser movie.

         2. New York is the capital of America.

3.Abstract Nouns: These are used to describe something that does not exist physically. We can describe our feelings using these nouns. E.g. sorrow, joy, pain, etc.

E.g. 1.You cannot explain your pain areas to everybody.

         2. His joy has no boundaries.

4.Concrete Nouns: These are used to describe something which can be sensed or which exists physically. E.g. Sticker, lion, mountain

E.g. 1.Nowadays, Barcode sticker is used during exams.

         2. The tip of the mountain is quite high.

5.Countable nouns: Describe something which can be counted. We can make a plural form of it. E.g. Pen/Pens, bottle/bottles, broom/brooms.

E.g. 1. He bought 5 bottles of Coca-cola.

          2. May I borrow your pen?

6.Uncountable nouns: Nouns that we can’t count. We can’t use the plural form of it. E.g. water, food, hair, etc.

E.g. 1. You have beautiful hair.

          2. The food is tasty.

7.Compound noun: Two or more small words are combined to form these nouns. E.g. Haircut, mousepad, keyboard, etc.

E.g. 1. The mousepad is not working properly.

          2. Get a nice haircut done.

8.Collective nouns: These are used to denote a group. E.g. mob, batch.

E.g.1.  The mob was quite attentive.

        2. This is my favourite batch.

9.Singular nouns: As the name suggests; these are used to describe single things. E.g. guitar, door, window, bottle.

E.g. 1.The door was closed.

          2. The bottle is empty.

10.Plural nouns: These are used to describe many things. E.g. Guitars, doors, windows, bottles, etc. E.g. 1. The doors of opportunities are not always open.

         2. The apples are sweet.

11.Possessive Nouns: These show possession. E.g. Aishwarya’s beauty, Modi’s style, etc.

E.g. 1. Modi’s style of working is aggressive.

         2. Aishwarya’s beauty is topic of discussion even today.

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